Product Development

Ludor Engineering offers a wide range of design and engineering services to create new or improved products, covering all necessary steps from idea to series production and beyond. Each project has its own specific and, according to it, we customize our offer to give you the best solution. The standard that we have implemented for the development of a product is presented below.

1. Your idea
  • We meet
  • We sign a confidentiality agreement
  • You present your idea.
  • We tell you how we can help
  • Deepening your idea
  • Identify development opportunities generate new ideas taking into account technology, materials etc.
  • Develop a range of alternative concepts
  • We define development directions
2. Generate ideas and concepts
3. Select concept
  • Introducing concepts
  • You select the option that will be further developed
  • If necessary, we can support in order to patenting the idea
4. Patent idea
5. Product development and prototype
  • Refine concept
  • We make a prototype
  • We analyze together ergonomics, aesthetics, functionality etc.
  • Prototype assay
  • Decide together the necessary changes
  • If necessary, we make a prototype improved and we test
  • We make final adjustments
  • Elaborate drawings and technical documentation for manufacturing
  • Other documents - for certifications, approvals, presentations etc..
6. Product documentation
7. Technical assistance and support
  • Select manufacturers
  • Select suppliers
  • Product testing
  • Quality control
  • Catalogs, brochures
  • Technical books


Among the many advantages that we offer our customers mention just a few:

  • Accelerating the public release
  • Assistance and support for all stages of design development research
  • Access to an extensive network of competence in relevant
  • Customize sizing and services as customer requirements

Contact us and together we will determine the best way in which we can help.